Teng Gao

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School


Hello! I am a PhD student in the Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics program at Harvard Medical School, co-advised by Peter Kharchenko and Peter Park. Before starting graduate school, I was a computational biologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Before that, I studied computer science and biology at Washington University (‘18).

My research interest lies in the intersection of cancer and aging biology, combining recent advances in genomics and computational algorithms. Specifically, I’ve developed computational methods for single-cell analysis of genomic and transcriptional aberrations in cancer (Gao et al 2022, Nat. Biotech.), and elucidated how age-related chromosomal alterations accumulate in normal tissues and impact disease risk (Gao et al 2021, Nat. Commun.; Gao et al 2023, Nat. Genet.). My ultimate goal as a scientist is to prevent cancer and other age-associated diseases.