Teng Gao

Boston Children's Hospital & Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard


Hello! I am a postdoctoral research fellow in the Sankaran Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Broad Institute. I obtained my PhD in Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics from Harvard Medical School, co-advised by Peter Kharchenko and Peter Park. Before starting graduate school, I was a computational biologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Before that, I studied computer science and biology at Washington University (‘18).

The focus of my current research is using single-cell genomics to unravel (hematopoietic) stem cell dynamics in aging and regeneration. Previously, I developed a widely used computational method for single-cell analysis of genomic and transcriptional aberrations in cancer (Gao et al 2022, Nat. Biotech.), and discovered that cells with chromosomal alterations accumulate in somatic tissues with age (Gao et al 2023, Nat. Genet.). My ultimate goal as a scientist is to enable regenerative therapies for cancer and other age-associated diseases.